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It seems the founder has abandoned his site. There are other alternatives, other forums. Even if some sites are using a post counter system it's worth joining them. The games are all full English by default, modded with extra spots, or taxiways, routes, exits. Join the ATC3/4 community at ATC3 Fan Site providing forums, FAQ, general info, and links about ATC1/ATC2/ATC3/ATC4 (I am an Air Traffic Controller/Bokukan). Found 24 files (3 pages) Jump to page: 1 2 3. Home Forum Members Contact Us Site Policy ATC3 Fan Site. The ATC series (bokukan) is a state-of-the-art, air traffic control simulation game. Otherwise you will have to pay full price. Gaming operation including data reading or writing may be blocked or stopped by a security software (such as that made by Norton Security for example). In case you do not know what Haneda is, it is the common name for RJTT-Tokyo International Airport. Pada kolom AddPath masuk App AXA yang berada di dalam folder ATC4RJTT 5. To avoid intervention by the security software, set to skip the specific software folder/file as the monitoring target of the security software, and install again. The aircraft strips in ATC3, as familiar.

Kemudian klik tanda panah kekiri dan Save & Exit 6. Selesai Cara mengubah bahasa menjadi Inggris : 1. *Set to skip the following software folder/file as the monitoring target after installation: How to skip the software as the security monitoring target depends on each security software product contact the security software manufacturer for more information. "ATC4_g" folder or "AXA.exe" file in the Steam library folder.